Today’s broadcast facilities are like data centres with multiple redundant servers for ingest, playout, distribution and NMS network, and they cannot afford to lose power. Whether supporting editing bays, newsrooms, studios or paid ads on live broadcast, reliable electrical infrastructure is mandatory
Keeping clean and dirty power lines separate and served by separate transformers, panelboards and raceways can provide safe, appropriate protection from common and normal mode noise. Generally uninterruptible power supplies and power distribution units are serving both the technical and dirty power systems, it is mandatory to use separate distribution systems with clean power conductors shielded from noise from nearby dirty circuits.
Isolated ground systems have long been considered best for reducing noise signals on the power supply of electronic equipment. Maintaining the integrity of an IG system in today’s large, digital, networked broadcasting facilities is nearly impossible
Challenges from faulty design, incorrect installation of wiring and conduit for maintenance, noise distortion and incorrect application of isolated ground systems can harm the very infrastructure that was designed to protect the broadcast environment’s power supply
With our international experience as designers of broadcasting infrastructure products and monitoring solutions, we can design electrical and grounding system solutions with unrivalled expertise
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